Expository Songs Podcast
Authors of songs based in Scripture passages discuss their songs in thoughtful and engaging interviews.
Expository Songs Podcast
Episode 42: How can Christians sing the Psalms well?
Daniel J. Mount discusses how Christians can sing the Psalms well with Colin and Tyler from The Worship Review podcast.
The Bible clearly and directly tells us to sing the Psalms. Ever since the Reformation, there has been a group of Christians who believe that, in corporate worship, we should sing Psalms only. While I don't hold this position myself, I have tremendous respect for it. For five hundred years, people in the exclusive psalmody tradition have thought deeply about how to sing psalms well. Even those of us who hold a different position need to acknowledge that, as we also seek to obey Scripture's commands to sing the Psalms, we can learn a lot from our brothers in this tradition. So it was a tremendous honor to have Colin and Tyler from The Worship Review come on to discuss how to sing the Psalms well.
Show Notes
Free searchable database of 74,000 expository songs, including about 20,000 Psalm settings: https://expositorysongs.com/
Audio version of podcast: https://expositorysongs.buzzsprout.com/
The Worship Review:
Pax Romana: